Kamis, 21 Februari 2008

Welcome to PADI MAS site...

PO. PADI MAS TRANSPORT which known as PADI MAS is one of reputable operator in intercity and interprovence tourist buses transportation, have responded to the demand and need of customers in transportation facility. We serve and deliver our customers satisfaction with tender and caring personal attention, thus we assure to safeguard the essence and the integrity of our services as our commitment to always becoming the pionner in this industry.

We established in 2004 Supported by prominent management team, who always intend to provide the best possible services to our customers.The growth and successful development of PADI MAS that has slogan of safety, politeness and smile, resulted from our customer satisfaction. We always improve our performance by contributing services to meet the need of customers, developing our human resources and improving a competent management. Drawing on the commitment to deliver the best service to customer, we periodically and constantly review our goal by evaluating our past performances and delivered services to set and maintain the quality of our work always meet our customers' satisfaction. Strive in excellence toward customers satisfaction's is the main objective in PADI MAS, by punctually delivering on time, worthily pricing in values and continuously keeping up quality services.

Let us serving you for all of your travelling need.